Thursday, September 5, 2019

Double Standard in Hollywood


In a community where they continue to preach inclusion, free-speech, respecting other people's views, and tolerance, Hollywood sure has a difficult time dealing with people who are conservative or support the current President.

Let me get this out there, right from the start; whether you voted for President Trump or not doesn't matter, he's the President. I don't like everything he does or says as a person (or President, for that matter), and I like some things that he has done since taking office. Do I agree with everything the President does? No. Have I agreed with all Presidents in the past? No. Whether I've liked the President or not, I got on with my life, and voted again in four years.

Hollywood types don't seem to get that. He's "not their President" so they choose to continue to disparage him and call him names. If you're a conservative working in Hollywood, it has always been difficult to break through the right-wing stereotypes and get work. However, it's infinitely more difficult now, with this President in office.

Is it because the folks in Hollywood disagree with his politics or his agenda? No, not entirely. It's mostly because they just hate him. I mean, have no tolerance for him.

Recently, Debra Messing and her "Will & Grace" costar Eric McCormack, tweeted that they would like a list of names printed of the Hollywood folks who attend an upcoming Trump rally in Tinseltown. (You can read the tweets here;

The point of the list, as McCormack points out in his tweet, is "to be clear about who we don't wanna work with." Bad grammar aside, this sounds like a blacklist, and is that what Hollywood really needs, another blacklist scandal?

What happened to freedom of thought and speech? What happened to stay out of our wombs and our lives? Isn't this the same group of Hollywood elitist who gave us those messages; ad nauseum? Then why are they wanting to "shame" anyone who decides to attend a rally for the President?

I've attended several political rallies over the years. I've even been the Master of Ceremonies for a few. I wasn't always in support of the candidate, and in one case I didn't even live in his district and couldn't have voted for him. However, I was always interested in hearing what they had to say, to see if maybe I would have any desire to support their ideals and vote for them.

Well apparently, that's not allowed in Hollywood. If you show up at a Trump rally, you're doomed, never to work in this town again. That my friends is an extremely sad commentary, and very hypocritical of those who preach tolerance. Honestly, I hope the names of those who attend the rally are published, because they will be the actors I support and buy tickets to see their movies, just to spite those who want to control my life and tell me I shouldn't.

ANOTHER VIEW: Follow this link ( to see what actor John O'Hurley had to say about all this. I never knew he was conservative, but have always liked him as an actor and game show host, ad it never really mattered to me in the past whether an actor was conservative or liberal. If I liked them, I liked them, but any more, because of their actions and disdain for anyone on the "right," I've found myself not wanting to go see movies that star those who spew such hate. They've caused this divide themselves. If they'd just keep their political views to themselves, we wouldn't know and we wouldn't care. Isn't that the way it used to be. Nobody knew Jimmy Stewart's party affiliation, or Katherine Hepburn's, or Buddy Hackett's. Isn't that the way it should be?

1 comment:

  1. Agree with you, Jeff. There is so much hate and division in this world already...let's move forward in peace and love as we are God's children and need to start "representing".
